Rare Earths uses only high quality materials, printed on some of the most accurate machines. We stock the parts we sell so they can be shipped out quickly. No matter if you are an experienced modder or new to this hoppy, the list below should provide useful information to help you find the material that best suites your build.
Our pro series part are made out of high quality PETG PRO filament. This is an engineering material with high strength, impact resistance, and high heat resistance temperature resistance similar to ABS. PRO Series PETG is the perfect material for blasters that see real world use from pros and weekend warrios alike. PRO filament is manufactured in the US from ATOMIC FILAMENT using only premium grade usa made pigments & only virgin prime grade resins.
Current Colors: Neon Orange, Neon Green, Jet Black, Starlight Gray & Aluminum
Premium Recycled PETG
This is premium PETG that looks as good as premium PLA. However PETG offers higher temperature resistance to PLA. Premium Recycled PETG is one of the best looking materials available for you build. This filament is manufactured in the US by Protopasta and made out of up to 75% recycled content. Along with minimal packaging and recyclable cardboard spools this material helps lower waste and further our vision of sustainability.
Current Colors: Galaxy Black, Metallic Blue, Metallic Purple PETG
Carbon Fiber PETG
Not just for race cars! Our carbon fiber is the real deal, unlike most shops that just use PLA with fibers which are actually weaker, we use an authentic engineering grade PETG with milled carbon fiber. This is the highest quality material available and also the most expensive. It is very lightweight, stiff and durable. Carbon Fiber has a fantastic textured matte finish.
Current Colors: Black